Quản lý, Điều hành, và bảo trì • Mới đặt đất hoặc các thành phần phát hành nếu ban đầu nạp hoặc hấp thụ các thành phần cho đến khi họ được nạp đầy đủ. Bởi vì các nhà máy là một phần của "biomachine" accretes phốt pho và các hóa chất khác, và bởi vì mảnh vụn thực vật hình thành các trang web cho bám và tập hợp vi khuẩn, nó sẽ loại bỏ sẽ được tăng cường bằng cách phát triển. Một trong những mô hình khởi động được đặc trưng bởi thảm thực vật nhanh chóng của. | 22 Management Operations and Maintenance As discussed in the preceding chapters most treatment wetlands are designed and constructed to require infrequent operational control or maintenance. Through conservative design and simple low-maintenance mechanical controls many free-water surface FWS wetland treatment systems will experience minimal ecological changes and will continue to meet final effluent limits for a long period of time. The situation is more problematic for horizontal subsurface flow HSSF wetlands which will require periodic bed maintenance throughout the lifetime of the system and for vertical flow VF wetlands which are dependent on loading-and-resting regimes to maintain hydraulic conductivity unless lightly loaded. Monitoring and adjustment of flows water levels water quality and biological parameters are the principal day-to-day activities required to achieve successful performance of these low-tech treatment wetlands. Other operations and maintenance activities in treatment wetlands such as repair of pumps levees and water control structures vegetation management pest control and removal of accumulated mineral solids typically must be attended to at much less frequent intervals. This chapter provides guidance on the appropriate level of operational monitoring necessary for the control of wetland treatment systems. Typically these are natural systems with low hydraulic and constituent loadings. Ecological integrity therefore requires minimal attention unless a particular preconceived plant mix has been mandated. Hydraulic balance and hydropattern control may require infrequent attention. Compliance monitoring is driven by the permit conditions but often a modest amount of extra monitoring is useful in optimizing operations. Emphasis should be placed on the avoidance of unnecessary operational and maintenance activities including the management of nuisance species when this achieves no measurable compliance goals. START-UP It should be fairly