Selfinsurance HOẠT ĐỘNG THU Bảo trì Dịch vụ bảo hiểm phí bảo hiểm khác Tổng doanh thu hoạt động CHI PHÍ HOẠT ĐỘNG - Cán bộ dịch vụ Linh tinh Quản Trị phí dịch vụ sửa chữa và bảo trì tuyên bố bảo hiểm vật tư, chi phí khấu hao chi phí hoạt động | CITY OF TERRELL TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 2007 Selfinsurance Equipment Replacement Total OPERATING REVENUES Maintenance services - 1 320 200 1 320 200 Insurance premiums 1 256 279 - 1 256 279 Miscellaneous 2 645 14 011 16 656 Total operating revenues 1 258 924 1 334 211 2 593 135 OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel services - 175 302 175 302 Miscellaneous services - 168 953 168 953 Administrative fees 521 766 - 521 766 Repairs and maintenance - 62 104 62 104 Supplies - 249 252 249 252 Insurance claims and expenses 687 959 - 687 959 Depreciation - 306 524 306 524 Total operating expenses 1 209 725 962 135 2 171 860 OPERATING INCOME 49 199 372 076 421 275 NON-OPERATING REVENUES EXPENSES Interest and investment revenue 3 864 14 879 18 743 Interest expense - 5 447 5 447 Total non-operating revenue expenses 3 864 9 432 13 296 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 53 063 381 508 434 571 TOTAL NET ASSETS BEGINNING 117 360 2 112 324 1 994 964 TOTAL NET ASSETS ENDING 64 297 2 493 832 2 429 535 This is trial version CITY OF TERRELL TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 2007 Equipment Self-insurance Replacement Total CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers and users 1 258 924 1 334 211 2 593 135 Cash paid for services and insurance claims 1 246 234 - 1 246 234 Cash paid to suppliers for goods and services - 473 756 473 756 Cash paid to employees for services - 180 604 180 604 Net cash provided by operating activities 12 690 679 851 692 541 CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash received from other funds 376 - 376 Net cash used for noncapital financing activities 376 - 376 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Acquisition of capital assets - 199 254 199 254 Principal paid on long-term debt - 192 121 192 121 Interest and fiscal charges paid on debt - 5 447 5