BÁO CÁO KHÔNG. 2009-160 Đại học hoà giải HOẠT ĐỘNG MẤT CHO TIỀN NET SỬ DỤNG HOẠT ĐỘNG KINH DOANH Vận hành điều chỉnh Mất Hòa hợp mất điều hành Cash Net Được sử dụng bởi các hoạt động kinh doanh: Chi phí khấu hao Chi phí thay đổi trong tài sản và nợ phải trả: Các khoản phải thu tài trợ và hợp đồng thu lãi phải thu tồn kho Các khoản cho vay và cần chú ý thu tài sản khác | March 2009 report No. 2009-160 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Continued For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30 2008 University RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING LOSS TO NET CASH USED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating Loss Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Loss to Net Cash Used by Operating Activities 335 837 153 Depreciation Expense Change in Assets and Liabilities 47 025 821 Accounts Receivable Grants and Contracts Receivable Interest Receivable Inventories Loans and Notes Receivable Other Assets Accounts Payable Salaries and Wages Payable Deposits Payable Compensated Absences Payable Deferred Revenue Postemployment Health Care Benefits Payable 528 746 269 687 40 089 267 313 193 790 3 556 3 750 981 1 722 183 200 938 1 061 449 2 049 020 2 701 000 NET CASH USED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 285 910 864 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE OF NONCASH CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Acquired computer equipment and office furniture through installment purchase totaling 2 351 700. The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. This is trial version March 2009 report No. 2009-160 university OF central FLORIDA A component unit of the state of FLORIDA notes to financial statements June 30 2008 1. summary of significant accounting policies Reporting Entity. The University is a separate public instrumentality that is part of the State university system of public universities which is under the general direction and control of the Florida Board of Governors. The University is directly governed by a Board of Trustees Trustees consisting of 13 members. The Governor appoints six citizen members and the Board of Governors appoints five citizen members. These members are confirmed by the Florida Senate and serve staggered terms of five years. The chair of the faculty senate and the president of the student body of the University are also members. The Board of Governors establishes the powers .