Tham khảo tài liệu 'save your brain: the 5 things you must do to keep your mind young and sharp_5', kỹ năng mềm, kỹ năng tư duy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 44 Save Your Brain I became interested in this work and I wanted to know how researchers defined an enriched environment. My review of this work suggests three factors were critical to the enriched environment socialization animals had to have other animals of their own kind in the environment physical activity animals had a running wheel to exercise on and mental stimulation there were toys in the environment animals could play and interact with . Animals raised in unenriched environments were raised in isolation had no running wheel and had no toys to play with. While this research offered highly significant and important findings regarding the effects of the environment on brain structure in the animal the critical issue of whether the same findings could be established for humans remained unknown. When thinking about a proactive brain health lifestyle I believe the three critical factors of the enriched environment found in the animal studies are equally important to humans. Plenty of research supports the role of socialization physical activity and mental stimulation in reducing the risk of dementia in humans. However the human organism is more complex than rodents and is stimulated by environmental input that is also more complex in nature. As you will learn in later chapters my brain health lifestyle recognizes the complexity of the human brain by including two new factors nutrition and spirituality in addition to the three factors established from the animal literature. How Your Brain Works 45 How Environment Affects the Human Brain It was not until the late nineties that a landmark study discovered that the human brain has the ability to generate new brain cells. This study was a threshold moment for our species as it confronted traditional thought that the human brain was a rigid system with no ability to regenerate. We had always believed the brain was born with all of its brain cells that the human brain lost brain cells on a daily basis and that our .