Chú ý J - LỢI ÍCH NHÂN VIÊN KẾ HOẠCH Kế hoạch Xác định Pension Benefit Tất cả nhân viên đủ điều kiện của DBEDT các yêu cầu của Chương 88, Hawaii Điều lệ sửa đổi (HRS), để trở thành thành viên của hệ thống hưu trí của nhân viên Nhà nước của Hawaii (ERS), chia sẻ chi phí nhiều, sử dụng lao động công chức hưu trí kế hoạch. | Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism State of Hawaii NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30 2009 NOTE I - CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE AGENCY FUNDS Continued Balance July 1 2008 Additions Deductions Balance June 30 2009 ASSETS Cash and other assets held in trust LIABILITIES Deposits payable 46 630 NOTE J - EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Defined Benefit Pension Plan All eligible employees of the DBEDT are required by Chapter 88 Hawaii Revised Statutes HRS to become members of the Employees Retirement System of the state of Hawaii ERS a cost-sharing multiple-employer public employee retirement plan. The ERS provides retirement benefits as well as death and disability benefits. The ERS issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. The report may be obtained by writing to the ERS at City Financial Tower 201 Merchant street Suite 1400 Honolulu Hawaii 96813. Prior to June 30 1984 the plan consisted of only a contributory plan. In 1984 legislation was enacted to add a new contributory plan for members of the ERS who are also covered under Social Security. Police officers firefighters judges elected officials and persons employed in positions not covered by Social Security are precluded from the noncontributory plan. The noncontributory plan provides for reduced benefits and covers most eligible employees hired after June 30 1984. Employees hired before that date were allowed to continue under the contributory plan or to elect the new noncontributory plan and receive a refund of employee contributions. All benefits vest after five and ten years of credited service under the contributory and noncontributory plans respectively. Both plans provide a monthly retirement allowance based on the employee s age years of credited service and average final compensation AFC . The AFC is the average salary earned during the five