Chú ý D - TIỀN MẶT và tương đương tiền (Tiếp theo) giam giữ rủi ro tín dụng đầu tư, rủi ro tín dụng giam giữ là rủi ro, trong trường hợp của sự thất bại của các đối tác, Nhà nước sẽ không có thể để khôi phục lại giá trị các khoản đầu tư hoặc tài sản thế chấp của mình chứng khoán thuộc sở hữu của bên ngoài. | Department of Human Services State of Hawaii NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30 2008 NOTE D - CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Continued Custodial Credit Risk For an investment custodial credit risk is the risk that in the event of the failure of the counterparty the state will not be able to recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party. The State s investments are held at broker dealer firms which are protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation SIPC up to a maximum amount. In addition excess-SIPC coverage is provided by the firms insurance policies. In addition the state requires the institutions to set aside in safekeeping certain types of securities to collateralize repurchase agreements. The state monitors the market value of these securities and obtains additional collateral when appropriate. Concentration of Credit Risk The State s policy provides guidelines for portfolio diversification by placing limits on the amount the State may invest in any one issuer types of investment instruments and position limits per issue of an investment instrument. Cash in Bank The DHS maintains cash in banks which are held separately from cash in the state Treasury. As of June 30 2008 the carrying amount of total bank deposits was approximately 449 000 and the corresponding bank balances which are represented were approximately 956 000. NOTE E - RECEIVABLES Receivables of the DHS net of an allowance for doubtful accounts consisted of the following at June 30 2008 Human General Med-Quest Services Welfare benefit overpayments 24 230 322 2 081 500 23 355 250 Medicaid providers receivable 3 370 316 4 377 538 QUEST premiums receivable 1 740 000 2 260 000 Social Security interim assistance loans 449 000 CSEA receivable 316 223 Less allowance for doubtful accounts 30 105 861 8 719 038 23 355 250 Welfare benefit overpayments 23 107 822 1 985 000 22 273 250 QUEST premiums receivable 1 730 517 2 247 .