Sở Thuế Vụ Thông tin kèm theo khác - chưa kiểm toán Đối với các năm kết thúc 30 tháng 9 năm 2011 và 2010 khoảng cách thu chỉ bao gồm số lượng đã được thẩm định (một phần nhỏ của không tuân thủ tất cả) và chưa đạt theo luật định ngày hết hạn bộ sưu tập của họ. Ngoài ra, khoảng cách thuế chỉ bao gồm thuế, trong khi khoảng cách thu thập bao gồm thuế, tiền phạt, và quan tâm. | Other Accompanying Information INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Other Accompanying Information - Unaudited For the Years Ended September 30 2011 and 2010 collection gap includes only amounts that have been assessed a small portion of all noncompliance and have not yet reached their statutory collection expiration date. Also the tax gap includes only tax while the collection gap includes tax penalties and interest. Tax Burden and Tax Expenditures The Internal Revenue Code provides for progressive rates of tax whereby higher incomes are generally subject to higher rates of tax. The following graphs and charts present the latest available information on income tax and adjusted gross income AGI for individuals by AGI level and for corporations by size of assets. For individuals the information illustrates in percentage terms the tax burden borne by varying AGI levels. For corporations the information illustrates in percentage terms the tax burden borne by these entities by various sizes of their total assets. The graphs are representative of more detailed data and analysis available from the Statistics of Income SOI office. Total tax expenditures are the foregone Federal revenue resulting from deductions and credits provided in the Internal Revenue Code. Since tax expenditures directly affect funds available for government operations decisions to forego Federal revenue are as important as decisions to spend Federal revenue. 37 This 9 is 2011 and 2010 Financial Statements .