Ngân sách khoản tiền gốc cuối cùng thu: Nhà nước nguồn Chi phí: Tiền lương và lợi ích Các đối tượng khác Tổng chi phí quá mức các khoản thu về cân bằng chi phí Quỹ, bắt đầu của sự cân bằng Quỹ năm, cuối năm $ $ 37,950 $ 26,093 | CALHOUN GREENE JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION 40 BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS ADULT EDUCATION - PERFORMANCE - PROJECT 536 AB For the year ended June 30 2009 Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Variance with Final Budget Original Final Revenues state sources 37 950 26 093 25 441 652 Expenditures Salaries and benefits 37 200 25 571 24 932 639 Other objects 750 522 509 13 Total expenditures 37 950 26 093 25 441 652 Excess of revenues over expenditures - - - - Fund balance beginning of year - Fund balance end of year J _ This is trial version CALHOUN GREENE JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION 40 BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS ADULT EDUCATION - STATE BASIC - PROJECT 536 AB For the year ended June 30 2009 Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Variance with Final Budget Original Final Revenues State sources 37 390 30 277 29 520 757 Interest - - 4 4 Total revenues 37 390 30 277 29 524 753 Expenditures Salaries and benefits 33 570 26 663 25 996 667 Purchased services 3 120 3 008 2 933 75 Other objects 700 606 591 15 Total expenditures 37 390 30 277 29 520 757 Excess of revenues over expenditures - - 4 4 Fund balance beginning of year 2 Fund balance end of year 6_ This is trial version CALHOUN GREENE JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION 40 BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS ADULT EDUCATION - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE - PROJECT 536 AB For the year ended June 30 2009 Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Variance with Final Budget Original Final Revenues State sources 49 630 49 630 49 630 - Interest - - 11 11 Total revenues 49 630 49 630 49 641 11 Expenditures Salaries and benefits 41 890 46 799 46 799 - Purchased services 6 620 - - - Supplies and materials 130 1 838 1 838 - Other objects 990 993 993 - Total expenditures 49 630 49 630 49 630 - Excess of revenues over expenditures - - 11 11 Fund balance deficit beginning of year 2 .