PHỤ LỤC Phân tích chi tiết dự án Phụ lục này trình bày các cơ quan nhà nước, dự án cá nhân và chính quyền địa phương được tài trợ bởi Chương trình của Grant An ninh Nội địa Arizona. Các dự án được chia thành sáu phần: một phần cho các cơ quan nhà nước và năm phần cho mỗi khu vực (miền Trung, Đông, Bắc, Nam, và Tây) | APPENDIX Detailed project analysis This appendix presents the individual state agency and local jurisdiction projects funded by Arizona s Homeland Security Grant Program. The projects are broken out into six sections one section for state agencies and five sections for each of the regions Central East North South and West . There is a one-page summary sheet for each section. For state agencies the summary sheet presents the state agencies that received program monies for grant years 2003 through 2005 and the total amounts state agencies received per program. For each of the regions the summary sheet presents the amounts received by program from grant years 2003 through 2005 and a breakout of amounts received by jurisdiction type . county city town fire district or Indian community . In addition to the summary sheet each section has a table that contains the individual projects funded by homeland security monies. The tables include the state agency or local jurisdiction federal grant program that funded the project grant year project name project description purpose and the budgeted expenditure amount. Auditors obtained the information for this Appendix from program budget worksheets and project proposal sheets for grant years 2003 through 2005 from the AOHS and the ADEM. As noted previously auditors were unable to obtain specific goals and objectives purpose of each homeland security project due to the manner in which some grant programs were allocated to the local jurisdictions and deficiencies in the records maintained for state agency projects. For these projects auditors presented the information that was available from the AOHS and the ADEM. In addition this Appendix does not present information for grant year 2006 as the State did not receive and allocate all grant awards from the DHS in time for inclusion in this report. Homeland Security Grant Program Acronyms ADEM Arizona Division of Emergency Management AOHS Arizona Governor s Office of Homeland .