Cơ quan Báo cáo Mục đích Khoản tiền giữ lại bởi Adem để hỗ trợ phần hậu cần. Phần hậu cần củng cố ngân sách, tài chính, hậu cần, hành chính, viễn thông, và các thông tin công nghệ / quản lý chức năng phân chia. Khoản tiền giữ lại bởi Adem cho các sự kiện đội ngũ. Tiền cung cấp để hỗ trợ Văn phòng Thống đốc. Khoản tiền giữ lại bởi Adem để hỗ trợ các phần hoạt động | Table 12 State Agencies Cont d page a-16 co D CD N o 3 5 State Agency Division of Emergency Management Cont d Project Federal Program Grant Year Name Agency Reported Purpose Budget EMPG 2003 Monies retained by ADEM to support the logistics section. The logistics section consolidates the budget finance logistics administration telecommunications and information technology management functions for the division. 58 000 EMPG 2003 Monies retained by ADEM for contingent events. 368 778 EMPG 2003 Monies provided to support the Governor s Office. 75 000 EMPG 2003 Monies retained by ADEM to support the operations section. The operations section creates plans to prevent mitigate respond and recover from natural technological and terrorist events. 50 000 EMPG 2003 Monies retained by ADEM for personal services and employee-related expenditures. 1 113 504 EMPG 2003 Monies retained by ADEM for their preparedness section to help them in preparing state agencies and local emergency management organizations to respond to recover from and mitigate against disasters through planning training and exercise activities. 51 998 EMPG 2003 Monies retained by ADEM to support training costs. 45 000 EMPG 2004 Monies retained by ADEM for contingent events. 342 324 EMPG 2004 Monies provided to support the Arizona Emergency Response Commission to aid in planning release and incident reporting data management guidance for inventory reporting public disclosure of information for hazardous chemicals in Arizona and development of training and outreach programs. 17 983 EMPG 2004 Monies provided to the Arizona Fire Academy to conduct prewildfire season response training for fire service personnel throughout the State. 15 000 EMPG 2004 Monies provided to the Forest Health Council for community outreach for wildfire prevention. 15 000 EMPG 2004 Monies retained by ADEM for indirect costs. 315 891 EMPG 2004 Monies retained by ADEM to support the logistics section. The logistics section consolidates the .