Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về hóa học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học đề tài : Phosphoproteomic analysis of apoptotic hematopoietic stem cells from hemoglobin E/b-thalassemia | Ponnikorn et al. Journal of Translational Medicine 2011 9 96 http content 9 1 96 JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE RESEARCH Open Access Phosphoproteomic analysis of apoptotic hematopoietic stem cells from hemoglobin E p-thalassemia c r n ii r Dr tr ir iilzr tm11 1 1 il2t frees nriTỉ1 yA r nr-ihr rici ifH3 Ciffiri ilz Dr A frielzi 4 Sdidiyoo Poiiikoii Idsdiiee Pdiiciidkul Ixitiiiid Siesdigd Chokdee vvoiigboiisuin SiLLiiuk noyndkul Suradej Hongeng5 did Sumdlee Tungpraddbkul1 Abstract Background Hemoglobii E p-thdldssemid is pditiculdily commoi ii Southedst Asid did hds vdiidble symptoms idig from mild to severe diemid. Previous investigdtions demoistidted the iemdikdble symptoms of p-thdldssemid ii teims of the dcceleratioi of dpoptotic cell dedth. lieffective ei ythropoiesis hds beei studied ii humdi hemdtopoietic stem cells howevei the distiict dpoptotic mechdiism wds uicledi. Methods The phosphopioteome of boie mdiiow HSCs CD34 cells from HbE p-thdldssemic pdtieits wds didlyzed usiig IMAC phosphopioteii isoldtioi followed by LC-MS MS detectioi. Decydei MS softwdie wds used to qudititdte diffeieitidlly expressed pioteiis ii 3 pdtieits did 2 ioimdl doiois. The diffeieitidlly expressed pioteiis fiom HSCs CD34 cells weie compdied with HbE p-thdldssemid did ioimdl HSCs. Results A sigiificdit chdige ii dbuiddice of 229 phosphopioteiis wds demoistidted. Impoitditly the didlysis of the cdididdte pioteiis ievedled d high dbuiddice of pioteiis thdt die commoily fouid ii dpoptotic cells iicludiig cytochiome C cdspdse 6 did dpoptosis iiduciig fdctois. Moieovei ii the HSCs pdtieits d sigiificdit iiciedse wds obseived ii d specific type of phosphoseiiie thieoiiie biidiig pioteii which is kiowi to dct ds di impoitdit sigidl medidtoi foi the ieguldtioi of cell suivivdl did dpoptosis ii HbE p-thdldssemid. Conclusions Oui study used d iovel method to iivestigdte pioteiis thdt iiflueice d pditiculdi pdthwdy ii d givei disedse oi physiologicdl .