Để thực hiện mục tiêu của chúng tôi, chúng tôi • nhận xét Đạo luật giám đốc tài chính, Luật ATD, Chính phủ Tổng công ty Đạo luật Kiểm soát, và pháp luật cho phép yêu cầu các tổ chức nhất định của liên bang để chuẩn bị báo cáo tài chính hàng năm và họ đã được kiểm toán; thu được và phân tích các chữ cái OMB thông báo cho quốc hội yêu cầu Ủy ban nhân tên của các cơ quan ngành hành pháp mà Giám đốc OMB cấp các miễn trừ hoặc miễn phải chuẩn bị. | Enclosure I X GAO. Accountability Integrity Reliability Scope and Methodology To accomplish our objectives we reviewed the CFO Act the ATD Act the Government Corporation Control Act and enabling legislation requiring certain federal entities to prepare financial statements annually and have them audited obtained and analyzed the OMB letters which notified the required congressional committees of the names of the executive branch agencies for which the Director of OMB granted waivers or exemptions from having to prepare financial statements and having them audited in accordance with the ATD Act for fiscal years 2003 and 2004 obtained and summarized certain net budget authority and net outlays reported in the Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Years 2006 and 2005 Appendices federal budget held discussions with various federal agency officials including OMB GSA and ATD Act agencies as well as personnel from selected commissions not currently required to prepare financial statements and have them audited and performed our work from January 2005 through June 2005 in accordance with . generally accepted government auditing standards. 7 Page 12 This is trial version 24R Federal Entities Financial Audits Enclosure I X GAO. Accountability Integrity Reliability Results of GAO s Work Almost 94 percent of executive branch entities included in the federal budget are statutorily required to have their financial statements audited. About 83 percent of federal entities including legislative and judicial branches included in the federal budget are statutorily required to have their financial statements audited. See table on page 14. 8 Page 13 This is trial version 24R Federal Entities Financial Audits Enclosure I Percentage of Federal Entities Included in the Federal Budget Whose Financial Statements Are Statutorily Required to Be Audited__ Category of federal entities Number of