Nước phát triển và quản lý phải dựa trên một phương pháp tiếp cận có sự tham gia, liên quan đến người sử dụng, lập kế hoạch và các nhà hoạch định chính sách ở tất cả các cấp, với các quyết định ở cấp độ thích hợp thấp nhất. • Các nguyên tắc cụ. Nước có giá trị kinh tế trong tất cả các sử dụng của nó cạnh tranh và phải được công nhận như là một kinh tế tốt. | The institutional principle. Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach involving user planners and policy makers at all levels with decisions taken at the lowest appropriate level. The instrument principle. Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognised as an economic good. The challenge facing the urban sanitation subsector is to put these general principles into operation and to translate them into practice on the ground. The new consensus gives prime importance to a central principle of public finance . that efficiency and equity both require that private resources should be used for financing private goods and that public resources should be used only for financing public goods. Implicit in this principle is a belief that social units themselves whether households commercial organisations urban communities or river basin associations are in the best position to weigh the costs and benefits of different levels of investment. The vital issue in the application of this principle to the urban sanitation subsector is the definition of the decision unit and the definition of what is internal private and external public to that unit. It is useful to think of the different levels at which such units may be defined as illustrated in Figure . For each level the demand for sanitation services must be understood and each social unit should pay for the direct service benefits it receives. To illustrate the application of this emerging ideal it is necessary to consider how urban sanitation should be financed. Sanitation sewerage and wastewater management The benefits from improved sanitation and therefore the appropriate financing arrangements are complex. At the lowest level see Figure households place high value on sanitation services that provide them with a private convenient and odour-free facility which removes excreta and wastewater from the property or confines it appropriately .