Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access The "Palliative Care Quality of Life Instrument (PQLI)" in terminal cancer patients Kyriaki Mystakidou*1, Eleni Tsilika1, Vassilios Kouloulias2, Efi Parpa1, Emmanuela Katsouda1, John Kouvaris2 and Lambros Vlahos2 Address: 1Pain Relief & Palliative Care Unit, Department of Radiology, Korinthias 27, 11526 Athens, Greece and 2Radiology Department, Areteion Hospital, Medical School, University of Athens, Vas. Sofias 76, 11528 Athens, Greece Email: Kyriaki Mystakidou* - mistakidou@; Eleni Tsilika - eltsilika@; Vassilios Kouloulias - vkouloul@; Efi Parpa - parpae@; Emmanuela Katsouda - mistakidou@; John Kouvaris - vkouloul@; Lambros Vlahos - lampvla@ * Corresponding author Published: 12 February 2004 Health and. | BioMed Central Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Research Open Access The Palliative Care Quality of Life Instrument PQLI in terminal cancer patients Kyriaki Mystakidou 1 Eleni Tsilika1 Vassilios Kouloulias2 Efi Parpa1 Emmanuela Katsouda1 John Kouvaris2 and Lambros Vlahos2 Address 1Pain Relief Palliative Care Unit Department of Radiology Korinthias 27 11526 Athens Greece and 2Radiology Department Areteion Hospital Medical School University of Athens Vas. Sofias 76 11528 Athens Greece Email Kyriaki Mystakidou - mistakidou@ EleniTsilika - eltsilika@ Vassilios Kouloulias - vkouloul@ Efi Parpa - parpae@ Emmanuela Katsouda - mistakidou@ John Kouvaris - vkouloul@ Lambros Vlahos - lampvla@ Corresponding author Published 12 February 2004 Received 03 November 2003 Accepted 12 February 2004 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2004 2 8 This article is available from http content 2 l 8 2004 Mystakidou et al licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose provided this notice is preserved along with the article s original URL. Abstract Background This paper describes the development of a new quality of life instrument in advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care. Methods The Palliative Care Quality of Life Instrument incorporates six multi-item and one single-item scale. The questionnaire was completed at baseline and one-week after. The final sample consisted of l20 patients. Results The average time required to complete the questionnaire in both time points was approximately 8 minutes. All multi-item scales met the minimal standards for reliability Cronbach s alpha coefficient .70 either before or during palliative treatment. Test-retest reliability in terms of Spearman-rho coefficient was also satisfactory p . Validity was demonstrated by interitem correlations