Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về hóa học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học đề tài : Electrogravitational stability of oscillating streaming fluid cylinder ambient with a transverse varying electric field Alfaisal A Hasan | Hasan Boundary Value Problems 2011 2011 31 http content 2011 1 31 o Boundary Value Problems a SpringerOpen Journal RESEARCH Open Access Electrogravitational stability of oscillating streaming fluid cylinder ambient with a transverse varying electric field Alfaisal A Hasan Correspondence alfaisal772001@ Basic and Applied Sciences Department College of Engineering and Technology Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport AASTMT . Box 2033 Elhorria Cairo Egypt Abstract The electrogravitational instability of a dielectric oscillating streaming fluid cylinder surrounded by tenuous medium of negligible motion pervaded by transverse varying electric field has been investigated for all the perturbation modes. The model is governed by Mathieu second-order integro-differential equation. Some limiting cases are recovering from the present general one. The self-gravitating force is destabilizing only in the axisymmetric perturbation for long wavelengths while the axial electric field interior the fluid has strong destabilizing effect for all short and long wavelengths. The transverse field is strongly stabilizing. In the case of non-axisymmetric perturbation the self-gravitating force is stabilizing for short and long waves while the electric field has stabilizing effect on short waves. Keywords electrogravitational stability oscillating streaming 1. Introduction The stability of self-gravitating fluid cylinder has been studied for the first time by Chandrasekhar and Fermi 1 . Later on Chandrasekhar 2 made several extensions as the fluid cylinder is acted by different forces. Radwan 3 4 studied the stability of an ideal hollow jet. Radwan 4 considered that the fluids are penetrated by constant and uniform electric fields. The stability of different cylindrical models under the action of self-gravitating force in addition to other forces has been elaborated by Radwan and Hasan 5 6 . Radwan and Hasan 5 studied the .