Một dự án hợp tác giữa các nhà nghiên cứu và nông dân ở Vĩnh tỉnh Việt Nam và Nghiên cứu Ứng dụng làm vườn ở Úc để cải thiện các AIMS Thu nhập của hộ sản xuất nhỏ thông qua Khuyến khích của sạch và bền vững sản xuất thực hành. | An Integrated Production Distribution and Marketing Plan for Melon and Cabbage In Vinh Province Vietnam Background A collaborative project between researchers and farmers in Vinh Province of Vietnam and Applied Horticultural Research in Australia aims to improve the income of smallholders by encouraging adoption of clean and sustainable production practices. Components of the project include Reducing pesticide residues and Improving yield quality and marketing of Cucurbit and Brassica vegetable crops in Northern Central Vietnam through Improved varieties GAP principles and Farmer focussed training. Major activities include 1. New melon and cabbage products being marketed to consumers initially through Metro Cash Carry Vietnam. 2. New technology developed tested and documented on how to produce melons and cabbage in Vinh Province. 3. Improved links between the industry research and extension organisations involved in the project. 4. Two scientists from Vietnam trained in Australia in the production of melons and cabbage. To maximize the benefits of the programme to farmers in Vinh Province an integrated production distribution and marketing plan is proposed based on the melon and cabbage product specifications nominated by retailer Metro Cash Carry Vietnam. Some Components of the Plan INTEGRATED PRODUCTION AND MARKETING PLAN PRODUCTION DISTR BUTION SALES MARKETING Product Specifications Packaging Production Systems Transport Harvest Post Harve st Sales Coordination Branding Prom otion Quality Food Safety Training Communication Participation PRODUCTION 1. Product Specifications - supplied by Metro Cash Carry Vietnam 2. Production systems incorporated in a Good Agricultural Practice GAP Manual and including a. New Varieties b. Crop scheduling c. Water management d. Crop nutrition e. Pest and disease management 3. Harvest Post Harvest practices incorporated in GAP Manual a. Harvest maturity b. Harvest scheduling c. Temperature management d. Grading and packing .