Mười giống Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia) đã được trồng vào năm 1985 tại 15 địa điểm trong suốt Thái Lan. Các dữ liệu ban đầu cho thấy các địa điểm tốt hơn cho Macadamia ở phía bắc, nơi nhiệt độ trung bình tối thiểu được 16,8 và nhiệt độ tối đa là 23,1 . Trong miền Nam, cây phát triển tốt và girths thân đối với hầu hết giống cây trồng đã được so sánh với phía bắc nhưng ít hoa sản xuất. Năng suất cao nhất 3,7 kg / WIS, 'Choice của Chiang Rai. Kích thước hạt nhân đối với hầu hết các. | EARLY PERFORMANCE OF AUSTRALIAN AND HAWAIIAN MACADAMIA CULTIVARS IN THAILAND Supattra Supamatee Philip J. Ito1 and Damkerng Jalichan Highland Agriculture Oflice Horticulture Research Institute Department of Agriculture Bangkok Thailand First published in Proceedings of the First International Macadamia Research Conference Kona Hilton Kailua-Kona Hawaii USA July 28-30 1992 pp. 107-111 ABSTRACT. Ten macadamia cultivars Macadamia integrifolia were planted in 1985 at fifteen locations throughout Thailand. Initial data show that the better locations for macadamia are in the north where average minimum temperatures were to and maximum temperatures were to . In the south trees grew well and trunk girths for most cultivars were comparable to the north but few produced flowers. Highest yield of kg WIS was by Own Choice at Chiang Rai. Kernel size for most cultivars exceeded 2 g at Wawi and Doi Muser while at Fang and Chiang Rai size was less than g. Likewise grade No. 1 kernel recovery at Wawi and Doi Muser was 30 or more at Fang and Chiang Rai it was less than 30 . Seeds of Macadamia integrifolia Maiden et Betche were introduced into Thailand in 1953 and seedlings planted at Fang in 1955 and at Doi Muser in 1957 Trochoulias 1985 . In 1968 several Hawaiian cultivars were grafted at Fang horticultural experiment station Ito 1988 . These trees were planted in a poor location where yield and quality were erratic. After providing good drainage and better maintenance yield of the best tree was 30 kg of wet-in-shell WIS nuts. At present there are about 100 hectares of macadamia planted. More plantings are anticipated with the increasing interest in macadamia Ito 1990 . However there is no reliable data for macadamia performance such as recommended cultivars and locations for Thailand. The project was initiated in 1985 by Damkerng Jalichan to address some of these problems. Grafted plants were imported from Australia by the Highland Agriculture Research