Improve the availability and quality of food and forage for local goatsProvide Bachthaogoats genetic merit has been demonstrated for breedingEconomic assess the impact of technology on productivitySupport goats for meat processing establishments pilot NinhHaiGoat and sheep at the research Center | Vietnam-Australia Goat Improvement Project 2006-2009 CARD project 009VIE Advisory Board Meeting Phan Thiet November 2007 Introductory Remarks By Dr Barry Norton UQ Director of CARD Goat Project Vietnam-Australia Goat Improvement Project 2006-2009 CARD project 009VIE Advisory Board Meeting Phan Thiet November 2007 Introductory Remarks Objectives of the Project Progress made in second year 2007 Project Funding and Reporting Acknowledgment of support Vietnam-Australia Goat Improvement Project 2006-2009 CARD project 009VIE Advisory Board Meeting Phan Thiet 2007 Objectives of the Project Holistic approach to farm development Identification and characterisation of existing farming system Training and information dissemination extension Provision of improved housing and health care for .