These guidelines are based on two performance evaluation CARD Project 032/05 "sustainability and profitability of acacia plantations for sawlog production in Vietnam". • Evaluation of genetic resources and ACACIA propagation method supports sawlog production in Vietnam (November 2006) • The effect of management practices and forest site productivity short-rotation plantation Acacia in Vietnam - a Review (January 200 | CARD Project 032 05VIE Sustainable and profitable development of acacia plantations for sawlog production in Vietnam MS4 Acacia silvicultural guidelines manual Silvicultural guidelines for Acacia plantations managed for sawlog production in Vietnam These guidelines are based on two reviews carried out for the CARD Project 032 05 Sustainable and profitable development of acacia plantations for sawlog production in Vietnam . Review of Acacia genetic resources and propagation methods to support sawlog production in Vietnam November 2006 Effects of site management practices and silviculture on productivity of short rotation Acacia plantations in Vietnam - a review January 2007 It is emphasised that these guidelines are interim and will be revised once more information is obtained through the project. 1. Species and varieties Selected clones of the acacia hybrid A. mangium x A. auriculiformis and the best improved planting material of A. auriculiformis selected clones and improved seed and A. mangium improved seed are best suited for sawlog production. These three options are already proven in this role in lowland regions of Vietnam receiving at least 1000 mm annual rainfall. Acacia. crassicarpa performs well on seasonally flooded sandy soils in central Vietnam. 2. Site preparation In the absence of more specific information planting holes dug about one month before planting where two-thirds of the hole is filled with a mixture of top soil and fertiliser is recommended. The size of hole is normally 30 cm deep 20 cm wide at the base and 30-to-40 cm square at the top. 3. Initial spacing The most suitable stocking for pulpwood plantations is between 1111 trees ha-1 initial spacing of 3 m x 3 m and 1666 trees ha-1 3 m x 2 m . The necessity to select final crop trees that meet the requirements of growth rate and form in plantations managed for solid wood suggests that at least 1000 trees ha-1 should be planted where the intended product is solid wood. 4. Fertilizer .