A site for silvicultural trials were selected at the same station trials ha of Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) FSIV, located in Quang Tri Province. The site meets the criteria for a study of long-term sustainability, especially in terms of land use rights are managed by FSIV, and may be protected from changes in land use. It is relatively uniform and has been fenced to prevent browsing and impact from breeding. | Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development AusAID Australian Government Collaboration for Agriculture Rural Development Milestone Report Project VIE 032 05 Sustainable and profitable development of acacia plantations for sawlog production in Vietnam Milestone 07 Acacia Silviculture Demonstration Trial Milestone description One 4 hectare demonstration and silvicultureal trial site four hectare established on-station with documentation of design and management protocol for multiple rotations including long-term responsibilities for data collection analysis and reporting 1 Executive Summary A site for the silvicultural trial was chosen at the Dong ha experimental station of The Forest Science Institute of Vietnam FSIV FSIV located in Quang Tri Province. The site meets the criteria for a long-term sustainability research in particular it is on secure land tenure managed by FSIV and can be protected from changes in land use. It is relatively uniform and has been fenced to prevent browsing and other impacts from livestock. A silvicultural trial was designed to examine stand productivity over five or more successive rotations and monitor long-term changes in soil investment in soil measurement at the start of the experiment is required to provide statistically robust baseline data on critical soil variables including pH soil nitrogen carbon and available phosphorus and exchangeable cations. It is expected that at the end of each rotation the nutrients accumulated in the commercial crop other above-ground components and below-ground components will be estimated so that the impact of commercial harvesting and firewood litter removal can be estimated accurately and their effects evaluated. The primary objective of the trial is to evaluate the responsiveness to phosphorus of tree growth and to determine the optimum rate of application. The second objective is to compare the relative effects of intensive vegetation control by herbicide against the current local .