To support IPM training program of our TOT, experiments, field surveys and observations, laboratory experiments and breeding were conducted in Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai and Dak Lac province between July 2006 and March 2008. Data obtained from experiments and field surveys show that • The common insect pests damaging the terminal discharge water, apples and / or nuts as tea mosquito bug, shoot borers, bugs coreid, thrips, apple seeds borers, leaf rollers, leaf miners, aphids and other cores, including tea mosquito bugs, shoot borers, leaf rollers and apple borer, the main grain. | Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development Australian Government AusAID Project Progress Report 029 05VIE Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam MS7 Research technical Report Renkang Peng Keith Christian La Pham Lan and Nguyen Thanh Binh 31 July 2008 1 1. Institute Information Project Name Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam Vietnamese Institution Institute of Agricultural Science of South Vietnam Vietnamese Project Team Leader Mr La Pham Lan Australian Organisation Charles Darwin University Australian Personnel Prof. Keith Christian and Dr Renkang Peng Date commenced February 2006 Completion date original January 2009 Completion date revised Reporting period July 2008 Contact Officer s In Australia Team Leader Name Keith Christian Telephone 61 8 89466706 Position Professor Fax 61 8 89466847 Organisation Charles Darwin Email . au University In Australia Administrative contact Name Jenny Carter Telephone Position Research Manager Fax Organisation Charles Darwin University Email 61 08 89466708 61 8 89467199 jenny .carter@ In Vietnam Name La Pham Lan Telephone 84 0913829560 Position Head of Plant Protection Department Fax 84 8 8297650 Organisation Institute of Agricultural Email lphlan@ Science of South Vietnam 2 Summary To assist our cashew IPM TOT training program field experiments field surveys and observations laboratory experiments and rearing were conducted in Binh Phuoc Dong Nai and Dak Lac provinces between July 2006 and March 2008. Data obtained from the field experiments and field surveys showed that The common insect pests damaging flushing terminals cashew apples and or nuts were tea mosquito bugs shoot borers coreid bugs thrips apple-nut borers leaf rollers leaf miners aphids and mealy bugs among which tea mosquito bugs shoot borers leaf rollers and apple-nut borers were the major pests