Tài sản vô hình thường không được công nhận là một thành phần của tài sản tập thể của một tổ chức (xem hình ). Tuy nhiên, những tài sản vô hình (tức là, vốn kiến thức) đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc tạo khả năng. | 36 The Conductive Organization Intangible assets are not often recognized as a component of an organization s collective assets see Figure . However these intangible assets . knowledge capital play a key role in capability generation. They are the result of learning that take place within the organization and between the organization and its customers. We describe intangible assets in terms of Human capital the attributes competencies and mindsets of the individuals who make up an organization. The individual capabilities of an organization serve to build organizational capabilities and create value for customers. Structural capital the strategies structures processes culture and leadership that translate into specific core competencies of the organization . the ability to develop solutions manage risk engineer processes understand markets . Organizational capabilities leverage individual capabilities in creating value for customers. Figure Types of Assets in an Organization The Knowledge Capital Model 37 Customer capital the sum of all customer relationships defined as the depth penetration or share of wallet breadth coverage or share of market sustainability durability and profitability of the organization s relationships with all of its customers. While customer capital includes all external relationships we focus on customers and suppliers not all stakeholders. Our goal is to focus on people directly involved in value creation for the customer and the organization. Our challenge is that the overall blueprint of today s organization has for the most part been inherited from the industrial era leaving organizations ill equipped to manage their intangible assets. The Knowledge Capital Model The Knowledge Capital Model see Figure provides a new perspective for managing the intangible assets in an organization for systematically developing maintaining leveraging and renewing them. An organization creates value when individual employees interact .