Một tổng quan tốt bằng văn bản, toàn diện và hợp lý của vấn đề phải đối mặt với các trung tâm y tế học tập. Nếu bạn làm việc hoặc tại một AMC, bạn cần phải đọc cuốn sách này. Nếu bạn quan tâm đến vai trò đặc biệt chơi bởi AMC và muốn tìm hiểu làm thế nào để cải thiện cách họ làm việc, điều này là phải đọc. | 274 Pursuing Excellence in Healthcare These researchers suggest that using fewer hospital beds less physician labor and fewer high-tech treatments such as intensive care beds and expensive imaging devices could markedly decrease costs. Not surprisingly they also found that integrated group practices in which all physicians and the accompanying hospital are integrated into a single practice group and physicians salaries are based on their areas of specialization are associated with the use of fewer resources 27 . Although the results of the Dartmouth study are intriguing they raise as many questions as they answer. For example how did the small class size of the medical school at the Mayo Clinic demographics of its patient population reimbursement structures for physicians and the local malpractice environment influence physician behavior and resource utilization The most important message to come from the Dartmouth study was 27 The nation needs a crash program to transform the management of chronic illness to a rational system where what happens to patients is based primarily on illness severity medical evidence and the patient s wishes and where resource allocation and Medicare spending can be guided more and more by knowledge of what is needed to produce cost-effective high-quality care. The support of such research needs to be the responsibility primarily of federal science policy. It makes no sense for the government to invest in biomedical research. .without complementary research aimed at determining how new and existing treatments affect the outcomes of care the lives of patients and the efficacy of clinical practice. Thus government must support new and innovative research studies in particular those that do not fall under the traditional portfolio of the National Institutes of Health could be considered under the mandate of clinical and translational research. Lobbying Congress for the support of innovative new research in healthcare policy by .