Việc thực hiện của dự án thanh long trái cây GAP đã được dựa trên sự phát triển của kỹ năng của người dân thực hành nông nghiệp tốt (GAP) nguyên tắc. Những người nhắm mục tiêu đã được cán bộ dự án đóng tại Viện Nghiên cứu miền Nam trái cây (SOFRI) và cán bộ SOFRI, Sở Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn (Sở NN & PTNT) nhân viên ở hai tỉnh chịu trách nhiệm dự án, thanh long xuất khẩu trái cây, đóng gói và nông dân thanh long cả hai nhỏ và chủ sở hữu lớn. | Australian Government AusAID Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development 037 04VIE Developing GAP systems for dragon fruit producers and exporters in Binh Thuan and Tien Giang provinces Milestone 7 Farmer Cluster Groups Applying Good Agricultural Practices GAP June 2007 Campbell J The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd HortResearch Nelson Region PO Box 220 Motueka 7143 NEW ZEALAND DISCLAIMER Unless agreed otherwise HortResearch does not give any prediction warranty or assurance in relation to the accuracy of or fitness for any particular use or application of any information or scientific or other result contained in this report. Neither HortResearch nor any of its employees shall be liable for any cost including legal costs claim liability loss damage injury or the like which may be suffered or incurred as a direct or indirect result of the reliance by any person on any information contained in this report. CONTENTS Page 1. DOCUMENTATION OF GAP APPLIED BY CLUSTER GROUP SMALL-HOLDERS. 3 Farmer Small-Holder Sector of Project Pilot Group 2. PROGRESS TOWARDS SMALL-HOLDER CERTIFICATION AS EUREPGAP COMPLIANT AND PERFORMANCE AUDITED. 8 Choice of Quality System Dragon Sruit Quality Stakeholder Skill Associated Dragon fruit GAP 3. BASIC ANALYSIS OF SMALL-HOLDER AND EXPORTER FINANCIAL BENEFITS .13 APPENDIX Benchmarking APPENDIX VNCI 1 BACKGROUND The implementation of the dragon fruit GAP project has been based on the development of people s skills in good agricultural practices GAP principles. The people targeted have been project personnel stationed at Southern Fruit Research Institute SOFRI and other SOFRI staff Department of Agriculture and Rural Development DARD personnel in the two project responsibility provinces dragon fruit exporters packers and dragon fruit farmers both small and large holders with priority given