Tham khảo tài liệu 'reviews of trading transaction timing_6', tài chính - ngân hàng, đầu tư chứng khoán phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Ĩ62 Pit falls and How to Avoid Them You have just seen an example of the latter doubted your own analysis and missed your 30 move in ABC You were defeated by the psychological impact of respected outside influences The outside influence doesn t have to be your broker. It can be an earnings statement you see in the newspaper. It can be an article on the company in Barrony It can be anything whatever that creates doubt in your mind and prevents you from acting when the stock price behavior tells you what it is going to do next All of this is not saying that you are always going to be right while the next fellow is always wrong but if you are going to trade on fundamental information and tips you must do so consistently. If you are going to trade on cyclic analysis you must do this consistently also. Mix your methods and the best features of each will not dominate your results Now that this powerful agent of difficulty has been identified the question is what can you do to train yourself out of trouble It will help a great deal if you will keep just one fact very firmly in mind When you tested the methods on paper they worked and you didn t have any outside influences deflecting your purpose then. In fact you did not even need the date nor the name of the stock in order to derive the needed conclusions from your analysis. You will find also that there is no substitute for analytical practice. You simply cannot apply the methods in this book too often on paper. You must do this checking out every statement made over and over again. Keep meticulous track of what the results would have been had you been invested. Lean over backward not to cheat. In this manner you can build sufficient confidence in the efficacy of the methods and in yourself to assure a stiff spine when the barrier is approached. It will help to consciously prepare your mind to give these methods the good old college try. You must inform your friends that you are trying something new and you do not want