for Scottish Aquaculture, 2003). This success story has been accompanied by growing concern over the environmental impact and sustainability of the industry. This has mainly been based around the localised impact upon the production sites, concern over the impact upon wild salmon and sea trout stocks as well as wider ecosystem effects. One of the factors considered in the latter category is the need for considerable volumes of fish meal and fish oil in carnivorous fin fish diets. The majority of this is produced from the so-called ‘feed fisheries’ such as the Peruvian anchovy or the sandeel and the concern has been raised over the consequences of. | Joint Marine Programme How sustainable is the fish feed used by Scotland s aquaculture industry In light of this report and to fulfil the commitments expressed in the Scottish Executive s Strategic Framework for Scottish Aquaculture SFSA WWF Scotland the Scottish Wildlife Trust and RSPB Scotland call on the Scottish Executive to lead through the SFSA the preparation and implementation of a detailed plan of action to ensure the sustainability of fish feeds used in the Scottish aquaculture industry. The feed and fish production industries and other relevant interests should be involved in this process which should include 1 Development and adoption by the Scottish industry of a structured method for assessing fish feed sustainability based on the best available information and best international standards for assessing the environmental sustainability of fisheries and feed transport. 2 Development and adoption of an industry-recognised sustainable-sourcing policy that is independently verifiable. This should minimise and where possible eliminate the use of those species considered unsustainable. This sustainable-sourcing policy should be regularly updated and must be time-bound taking a step-wise approach. Short-term - reducing and where possible eliminating the purchase of unsustainably-fished species such as blue whiting. Medium-term - developing alternatives to enable the cessation of the purchase of all species where sustainability is in question. Long-term - developing alternative sustainable protein and oil substitutes for fishmeal and fish oil and setting a date for the sourcing of all fishmeal and oil from independently-verified sustainable fisheries. 3 Securing the commitment of feed and fish production industries to avoid the use of blue whiting until the international management plan is agreed and fully implemented by all parties fishing the stocks. 4 A requirement on fish feed purchasers to secure improved traceability and chain of custody of the .