Lower rates have been found in an educationally and economically advantaged sample of Vietnamese women; in this group, 8% of women scored at or above 12 (Fisher, Tran, & Tran, 2007). Texeireira’s group (Teixeira, Figueiredo, Conde, Pacheco, & Costa, 2009) used a lower cut-off of 10 or higher, and so is difficult to compare with the above studies, but in this Portugese sample of women attending obstetric appointments, they found that 22%, 21%, and 18% (by trimester) scored above this threshold, consistent with other studies that suggest somewhat lower rates of depressive symptoms among women in developed countries. A large nationwide study in Australia recently found rates. | Ms l ua sssuisng Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world. Pearson Education Limited 2005 The right of Louise Pile to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise Without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 2005 ISBN 0 582 846919 with audio CD Set in Economist Roman Printed in Spain by Graficas Estella Acknowledgements The publishers are grateful to The Economist for permission to adapt copyright material on page 6 2003 page 11 2003 13 2004 page 17 2003 page 19 2003 page 24 2003 page 29 2004 page 32 2003 page 33 2003 page 35 2003 page 41 2003 page 43 2003 page 45 2003 page 51 2003 page 56 _ 2002 page 58 2003 and 61 2003 . All material copyright of The Economist Newspaper Limited. All rights reserved. We are also grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material Keith Uren Publishing for an extract from Isle of Man Portfolio Magazine Issue 40 2003 Coventry Evening Telegraph for an extract from the article Managers Dream of a Perfect Place to Work 3rd June 2003 and NI Syndication for an extract from the article Firms Do Better when Workers Take Control published in Sunday Times 14th September 2003 The Times 2003. Photograph acknowledgements Alamy p37 Corbis . Raga p50 p52 Getty Images Stone pl4 p34 CFurlong p57 Hulton Archive p61 Kellog School T. Duncan p5 Lugano Hotels K. Hayden pl3 Panos Pictures M. Henley contents page t p21 Press Association EPA A Gombert p20 EPA p49 Reuters p43 T. Melville p30 Rex Features p. Cooper contents page b p51 Sipa p58 Zefa L Williams p38 K. Davies