The Oath of Citizenship I swear (or affirm) That I will be faithful And bear true allegiance To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second Queen of Canada Her Heirs and Successors And that I will faithfully observe The laws of Canada And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen. Understanding the Oath In Canada, we profess our loyalty to a person who represents all Canadians and not to a document such as a constitution, a banner such as a flag, or a geopolitical entity such as a country. | I Citizenship and Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada Immigration Car STUDY GUIDE Discover Canada The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship The Oath of Citizenship I swear or affirm That I will be faithful And bear true allegiance To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second Queen of Canada Her Heirs and Successors And that I will faithfully observe The laws of Canada And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen. Ị Le serment de citoyenneté i Je jure ou j affirme solennellement i Que je serai fidèle i Et porterai sincère allégeance à Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth Deux i Reine du Canada i À ses héritiers et successeurs I Que j observerai fidèlement les lois du Canada Et que je remplirai loyalement mes obligations I de citoyen canadien. Understanding the Oath In Canada we profess our loyalty to a person who represents all Canadians and not to a document such as a constitution a banner such as a flag or a geopolitical entity such as a country. In our constitutional monarchy these elements are encompassed by the Sovereign Queen or King . It is a remarkably simple yet powerful principle Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada represented by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2011 CÍ1-11 2011E 978-1-100-18210-0 Message to Our Readers Welcome It took courage to move to a new country. Your decision to apply for citizenship is another big step. You are becoming part of a great tradition that was built by generations of pioneers before you. Once you have met all the legal requirements we hope to welcome you as a new citizen with all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Canada has welcomed generations of newcomers to our shores to help us build a free law-abiding and prosperous society. For 400 years settlers and immigrants have contributed to the diversity and richness of our country which is built on a proud history and a strong identity. Canada is a .