n contrast, the solution is defined by data structures that describe the original problem context indirectly and thus, determine the search space within an evolutionary search (optimization process). There exists the analogy in the nature, where the genotype encodes the phenotype, as well. Consequently, a genotype-phenotype mapping determines how the genotypic representation is mapped to the phenotypic property. In other words, the phenotypic property determines the solution in original problemcontext. . | PENGUIN ENGLISH Renato is very good in Italian cooking Is that what he means Really the same mistakes turn up again and again even among the best students and sometimes they seem imposable to correct. By showing why a mistake is a mistake this book helps the student to correct it easily. is Thai. What You Mean takes fifty common errors such as The confusion between control and check or boring and bored and illustrates them with humourous cartoons. The student sees exactly what he or she is saying form the illustrations and explanations of rhe incorrect and correct usage which are shown back to back. . That HTiat Ybu Mean is divided into five sections each with exercises to test the student s knowledge. The book can be used by intermediate or advanced students and there is a full answer key with explanations where necessary so it is suitable for class or self-study. PENGUIN ISBN 0-14-080991-0 THAT WHAT YOU MEAN PAUL HANCOCK noioiJi PENGUIN ENGLISH Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd 27 Wrights Lane London W8 5TZ England Penguin Books USA Inc. 375 Hudson Street New York New York 10014 USA Penguin Books Australia Ltd Ringwood Victoria Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd 10 Alcom Avenue Toronto Ontario Canada M4V 3B2 Penguin Books NZ Ltd 182-190 Wairau Road Auckland 10 New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd Registered Offices Harmondswonh Middlesex England First published 1990 10 9 8 7654 3 Copyright Paul Hancock 1990 All rights reserved The moral right of the author has been asserted Designed by DW Design Partnership Ltd Illustrations by Clive Collins Printed and bound in Great Britain by BPC Hazell Books Ltd A member of The British Printing Company Ltd Except in the United States of America this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of ttade or otherwise be lent re-sold hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar .