THE first Edition of the following Work was printed in the 1 [ 1 ] end of the year 1775, and in the beginning of the year 1776. Through the greater part of the Book, therefore, whenever the present state of things is mentioned, it is to be understood of the state they were in, either about that time, or at some earlier period, during the time I was employed in writing the Book. To this third Edition, however, I have made several additions, particularly to the chapter upon Drawbacks, and to that upon Bounties; likewise a new chapter entitled, The Conclusion of the Mercantile System; and a. | AN INQUIRY INTO THE Nature and Causes OF THE Wealth of Nations Books I II III IV and V Adam Smith r L MexaLibri Copyright 2007 MsxaLibri this digital edition All rights reserved. No part of this digital edition may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means eletronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the copyright holder. MsxaLibri http Amsterdam Lausanne Melbourne Milan New York São Paulo 29th May 2007 Editorial Note In this edition references are made to corresponding pages of the best modern edition of the Wealth of Nations the second volume of The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith 1 . These references are printed as margin notes. For example means page 26 of the Glasgow Edition . Smith s own footnotes are marked with Smith in bold face just before the footnote. Paragraph number are printed inside brackets on the left margin and the numbering restarts at the beginning of every section. References to this edition can be made in this way Smith Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Edited by S. M. Soares. MetaLibri Digital Library 29th May 2007. SÁLVIO Marcelo Soares Lausanne 29th May 2007 .