G reat People Decisions will help you improve your personal competence at hiring and promoting great people. Literally, nothing is more important. For almost every manager, personal success grows directly out of the ability to choose the right people for his or her team. But making key appointments is hard. Few people get any formal training in this all-important activity, and no comprehensive tools exist to make up for that lack of training. | Copyrighted Material A masterful and entirely practical study of what goes into getting people selection right. Jack Welch A wonderful book teaching US how to accomplish the first task of any exceptional leader. JIM Collins GREAT r rC P I F D ECIS IONS Why They Matter So Much Why They Are So Hard and How You Can Master Them Claudio Fernandez Araoz Copyrighted Material DECISIONS Why They Matter So Much Why They Are So Hard and How You Can Master Them Claudio Fernandez Araoz John Wiley Sons .