Some men seem to attract success, power, wealth, attainment, with very little conscious effort; others conquer with great difficulty; still others fail altogether to reach their ambitions, desires and ideals. Why is this so? Why should some men realize their ambitions easily, others with difficulty, and still others not at all? The cause cannot be physical, else the most perfect men, physically, would be the most successful. The difference, therefore, must be mental - must be in the mind; hence mind must be the creative force, must constitute the sole difference between men. It is mind, therefore, which overcomes environment and every other obstacle in the path of. | The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel Daily Ideas For My Success From The World s Best Wednesday the 9th of Aug 2006. Edition Be closer to your goal each day. Let these ideas from the world s greatest leaders businessmen and success coaches help you on your way towards a meaningful successfull and happy life. Bill Gold brought to you by Daily Ideas For My Success You can distribute this e-book for FREE. You have permission to give this e-book away for free to your friends subscribers or customers. Daily Ideas For My Success DIS Money 2 http Introduction Nature compels us all to move through life. We could not remain stationary however much we wished. Every right-thinking person wants not merely to move through life like a sound-producing perambulating plant but to develop - to improve - and to continue the development mentally to the close of physical life. This development can occur only through the improvement of the quality of individual thought and the ideals actions and conditions that arise as a consequence. Hence a study of the creative processes of thought and how to apply them is of supreme importance to each one of us. This knowledge is the means whereby the evolution of human life on earth may be hastened and uplifted in the process. Humanity ardently seeks The Truth and explores every avenue to it. In this process it has produced a special literature which ranges the whole gamut of thought from the trivial to the sublime - up from Divination through all the Philosophies to the final lofty Truth of The Master Key . The Master Key is here given to the world as a means of tapping the great Cosmic Intelligence and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions and aspirations of each reader. Every thing and institution we see around us created by human agency had first to exist as a thought in some human mind. Thought therefore is constructive. Human thought is the spiritual .