There aren’t still the exact criteria for measuring speaking skills as well as the weighting given to such components as correct pronunciation. The interdependence of the speaking and listening skill increases the difficulty of any serious attempt to analyze precisely what is being tested at one time. Administration is another difficulty as it is impossible to test a large number of students because of limited time involved | Chapter 7: Oral production tests Some difficulties in testing the speaking skills There aren’t still the exact criteria for measuring speaking skills as well as the weighting given to such components as correct pronunciation. The interdependence of the speaking and listening skill increases the difficulty of any serious attempt to analyze precisely what is being tested at one time. Administration is another difficulty as it is impossible to test a large number of students because of limited time involved. II. Reading aloud generally used when it is desired to access pronunciation as distinct from the total speaking skills. constructing suitable tests, testers should imagine actual situations in real life in which the testees may be required to read aloud. The retelling of a short story or incident more useful than reading aloud; but unfortunately this test measures other skills: reading comprehension, memory and organization. III. Conversational exchanges (Type 1&2) Testees are . | Chapter 7: Oral production tests Some difficulties in testing the speaking skills There aren’t still the exact criteria for measuring speaking skills as well as the weighting given to such components as correct pronunciation. The interdependence of the speaking and listening skill increases the difficulty of any serious attempt to analyze precisely what is being tested at one time. Administration is another difficulty as it is impossible to test a large number of students because of limited time involved. II. Reading aloud generally used when it is desired to access pronunciation as distinct from the total speaking skills. constructing suitable tests, testers should imagine actual situations in real life in which the testees may be required to read aloud. The retelling of a short story or incident more useful than reading aloud; but unfortunately this test measures other skills: reading comprehension, memory and organization. III. Conversational exchanges (Type 1&2) Testees are given a series of situations and are required to construct sentences on the lines of a certain pattern or a group of patterns. They read or hear the situation and then make the appropriate responses. This type of item is similar to the previous one, but no model responses are given by the examiner and the students are free to use whatever patterns they wish. Type 3, 4 & 5 (3) The testees hear a stimulus to which they must respond in any appropriate way. (4) This type is similar to type 3, but the stimuli and responses form part of a longer dialogue and the situation is developed. (5) This item takes the form of incomplete dialogue with prompts whispered in the student’s ear. IV. Using pictures for assessing oral production Pictures of single objects can be used for testing the production of significant phoneme contrasts. Pictures are also used to test learners’ ability to describe or narrate a story. Advertisements, posters and strip cartoons may be used for classroom tests. IV. Using