McGraw-Hill - 2003 - Ultimate Game Design. Building Game Worlds - DDU 02 | x J ULTIMATE GAME DESIGN Building Game Worlds There are many reasons why the development of great gameplay frequently faces many obstacles as we ll soon discuss. In order to succeed game developers need to be able to build up fun and addictive play into their games quicker and more surely than ever before. Yet prototyping play mechanics and experimenting with many aspects surrounding gameplay still poses several layers of challenge for many game developers. It is still not very easy to prototype and experiment with game dynamics while keeping costs under control. With this firmly in mind one of the most important questions this book tries to address is What might be required to make applied game design more feasible for game developers in general I try to offer up several answers. I think that looking into applied game design in the way I ve tried to for the purposes of this book gives all budding game developers a chance to learn first hand about design challenges while asking established developers to think about solutions that might help to ease some of the same challenges. I see this as a dialogue that might help make more interesting kinds of gameplay possible. Of course as we ll soon see in detail it often comes down to the brute development specifics tools smooth tool-to-engine interface adequate ability to prototype and experiment beginning your development cycle with solid concepts that can be altered and adjusted on-the-fly for improvement and refinement toward the fun zone and so forth. Those game developers or middleware providers that succeed in supporting game content construction in the most powerful and dynamic ways thereby enabling developers to build-in the best kinds of gameplay possible will probably find themselves on the top of the game sales charts. It isn t a secret anymore that several of today s top-selling games are based on technologies like RenderWare that conceivably allow game makers more time to flesh out exciting content details .