O_Reilly - CSS_ The Missing Manual 2nd Edition (2009) 02 | Writing HTML for CSS P strong font color 0066FF size 5 face Verdana Arial Helvetica sans-serif Urban Agrarian Lifestyle font strong br font color FF3300 size 4 face Georgia Times New Roman Times serif em strong A Revolution in Indoor Agriculture br strong em font Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. p Figure 1-2 Old School New School. Before CSS designers had to resort to the font tag and other extra HTML to achieve certain visual effects top . You can achieve the same look and often a better one with a lot less HTML code bottom . In addition using CSS for formatting frees you up to write HTML that follows the logical structure of the page s content. The Urban Agrarian Lifestyle A Revolution in Indoor Agriculture Lorctn ipsum dolor sit amct conscctctucr adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy nibh cuismod tincidunt ut laorcet dolore magna aliquant erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud excrci tation ullamcorpcr suscipit lobortis nisi ut aliquip ex ca commodo conscquat. Duis autcm vel eum inure. h1 The Urban Agrarian Lifestyle h1 h2 A Revolution in Indoor Agriculture h2 p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. p GEM IN THE ROUGH Simple HTML Is Search Engine Friendly Once you take the mental leap of picturing HTML as the way to structure a document s content and CSS as the tool for making that content look good you ll discover additional benefits to writing lean mean HTML. For one thing you may boost your search-engine ranking as determined by sites like Google Yahoo and MSN. That s because when search engines crawl the Web indexing the content on websites they must go through all the HTML on a page to discover the actual content. The old HTML way of using special tags like font and lots of tables to design a page gets in the way of a search engine s job. In fact some search engines stop reading a page s HTML after a certain number of characters. When you use a lot of HTML just for design the search engine may miss important content on the page or even fail to rank it at all.