Unrecognised sleep-related generalised epileptic seizures disturb sleep achritecture as they cause arousals. Generalized epileptic seizures reduce total sleep time and elongate latency to REM sleep. Amount of NREM1 and NREM2 stages may be extended (Foldvary-Schaefer, 2002). Partial epileptic seizures during sleep do not disrupt night sleep markedly, only in case of their secondary generalization (Dasheiff, 2003). Epileptic seizures during daytime influence night sleep too. They reduce REM sleep, what may be cause of fatigue in postparoxysmal period (Bazil, Castro & Walczak, 2000). Antiepileptic therapy is considered to have influence on daytime vigility and quality of sleep. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines have sedative effect and cause daytime sleepiness (Bazil, 2003, Rang.