This handbook is the product of a team effort. Jock Anderson, Howard Barnum, John Dixon, and Jee-Peng Tan contributed to the chapters on risk analysis, assessment of health projects, environmental externalities, and on the assessment of education projects, respectively, with valuable input on the latter from George Psacharopoulos. Rodrigo Archondo-Callao, Shantayanan Devarajan, Colin A. Gannon, Pablo Guerrero, Kenneth M. Gwilliam, Ian G. Heggie, David Hughart, Howard Jones, Ulrich Lachler, Julio Linares, Ricardo Martin, Roberto Mosse, A. Mead Over, David A. Phillips, Anandarup Ray, Robert Schneider, Zmarak Shalizi, Sethaput Suthiwart- Narueput, Lyn Squire, Alfred Thieme, Ulrich Thumm, Herman van der Tak, William A. Ward, and Kenneth Watson also provided insightful comments