A java application can run inside a JVM and can only invoke the methods of the classes available inside this JVM • Distributed computing or processing resolves around clientserver technology where several client programs communicate with one or more server RMI application has to expose methods, which remote clients can invoke. • These methods which are meant to be remote, should be defined in an interface which extends the interface | APJ- I, Session 8 Module 8 – Remote Method Invocation Max Duration: 2 minutes Session 5 Networking Review APJ_I / Session 8 Max Duration: 10 minutes Review last Session: URL concept and URL class URLConnection class Network programming using TCP Socket class ServerSocket class Network programming using UDP UDP and Datagram packet Datagram class and DatagramSocket class Module 8: Remote Method Invocation What is RMI? RMI Architecture RMI Working Mechanism Implementing RMI APJ_I / Session 8 Max Duration: 10 minutes Welcome to the module, Remote Method Invocation. This module gives a brief introduction to distributed computing. It introduces Java's Remote Method Invocation, and explains the architecture used by RMI. The module covers all the necessary steps to write a distributed application in Java using RMI. Finally this module explains how to execute RMI applications. In this module, you will learn about: - Introduction to RMI - RMI Architecture - Implementing RMI . | APJ- I, Session 8 Module 8 – Remote Method Invocation Max Duration: 2 minutes Session 5 Networking Review APJ_I / Session 8 Max Duration: 10 minutes Review last Session: URL concept and URL class URLConnection class Network programming using TCP Socket class ServerSocket class Network programming using UDP UDP and Datagram packet Datagram class and DatagramSocket class Module 8: Remote Method Invocation What is RMI? RMI Architecture RMI Working Mechanism Implementing RMI APJ_I / Session 8 Max Duration: 10 minutes Welcome to the module, Remote Method Invocation. This module gives a brief introduction to distributed computing. It introduces Java's Remote Method Invocation, and explains the architecture used by RMI. The module covers all the necessary steps to write a distributed application in Java using RMI. Finally this module explains how to execute RMI applications. In this module, you will learn about: - Introduction to RMI - RMI Architecture - Implementing RMI Distributed Computing A java application can run inside a JVM and can only invoke the methods of the classes available inside this JVM Distributed computing or processing resolves around client-server technology where several client programs communicate with one or more server applications. APJ_I / Session 8 Max Duration: 5 minutes Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows a Java program running inside a JVM to execute a method of a class available in another JVM. Remote Method Invocation allows Java applications to support the distributed computing architecture through the use of client-server technology. RMI Architecture APJ_I / Session 8 Max Duration: 10 minutes The Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is based on a three layered architecture. These three layers are just below the application layer on the server and client side. The three layers of the RMI architecture are: - Stub and Skeleton Layer The Stub resides on the client side, and the Skeleton on the server side. This layer .