There are only a few studies on calf muscle strength in patients with Achilles tendon disorders. Calf muscle strength has been measured after rehabilitation in pa- tients with surgically treated complete Achilles tendon ruptures4,14,15,17 and in patients with complete Achilles tendon ruptures treated either surgically or nonsurgi- cally. 7,18 We have recently, in two prospective studies on middle-aged recreational athletes with chronic Achilles tendinitis/tendinosis, reported the results of surgical treatment followed by 6 weeks of immobilization and of surgical treatment followed by 2 weeks of immobiliza- tion. 1,2 The results showed that it took a long time to recover concentric and eccentric calf muscle strength, de- spite a controlled postoperative rehabilitation including eccentric calf muscle training. The postoperative immobi- lization.