The sampling period for the data in this study was from 08/20/00 to 09/08/00, and the most sampling frequencies were about 1/4 6min 1, but the frequencies for some periods were 1min 1. All the sampleswere used for analysis to ensure a sufficiency of samples. The concentrations of 14 VOCs (methanol, acrylonitrile, isoprene, benzene, toluene, styrene, c8-benzenes (xylenes), c7-ketone, c9-benzenes, c10-ben- zenes, c13-benzenes,M43 (propene),M61 (acetic acid), and M87 (vinyl acetate)) were selected for this study, with the detection limits being 100 pptv, 60 pptv, 20 pptv, 70 pptv, 70 pptv, 30 pptv, 70 pptv, 60 pptv, 30 pptv, 30 pptv, 30 pptv, 1 ppbv, 1 ppbv, and 200 pptv, respectively. Some.