Witnesses: Bea Hiers, Ft. Wash., MD; Rita Herrod, Clarksburg, W. VA; Susan Johnson, Cottage Grove, MN; Howell Jackson, Harvard Univ. School of Law; John Courson, Mortgage Bankers Assoc. & Central Pacific Mortgage Co.; Joseph Falk, Nat. Assoc. of Mortgage Brokers; Ira Rheingold, Nat. Assoc. of Consumer Advocates; David Olson, Wholesale Access Mortgage Res. & Consult., Inc.; & David Donaldson, Donaldson & Guin, LLC. Additional material: Statement of ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc.; Mortgage Broker Fee Agree. submitted by John Courson; Letter submitted by the Nat. Assoc. of Mortgage.