OPM’s reduction in force regulations found in part 351 are published under authority of 5 . 3502(a), which originated in Public Law 78–359 (the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944). The statute provides that OPM’s reduction in force regulations must give effect to four factors in releasing employees: (1) Tenure of employment (., type of appointment) (5 . 3502(a)(1)); (2) veterans’ preference (5 . 3502(a)(2)); (3) length of service (5 . 3502(a)(3)); and (4) performance ratings (5 . 3502(a)(4)). The proposed regulations clarify longstanding OPM policy on the crediting of civilian and uniformed service for purposes of reduction in force competition under part 351 of this title. These final regulations cover what types of service are creditable when an agency establishes the order.