This script "breaks" the port by replacing the original port # with "8DDD" in . Replace "8DDD" with the originally assigned port number. = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 8DDD)) . | Workshop Scenarios B Workshop Scenarios Network Scenario List Network Workshop Scenarios Scenario 1: Bad port in Scenario 2: Incorrect "CONNECT_DATA" punctuation in . Scenario 3: PROTOCOL error in Scenario 4: SERVICE_NAME error in Scenario 5: Incorrect value in Scenario 6: PORT error in the listener definition in Scenario 7: LISTENER error in SID_LIST in Scenario 8: Listener name error in Net Scenario 1 Scenario 1: “Broken” Port in Solution Outline This script "breaks" the port by replacing the original port # with "8DDD" in . Replace "8DDD" with the originally assigned port number. = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 8DDD)) . Net Scenario 2 Scenario 2: Incorrect “CONNECT_DATA” Punctuation in Solution Outline This scenario “breaks” the punctuation in . | Workshop Scenarios B Workshop Scenarios Network Scenario List Network Workshop Scenarios Scenario 1: Bad port in Scenario 2: Incorrect "CONNECT_DATA" punctuation in . Scenario 3: PROTOCOL error in Scenario 4: SERVICE_NAME error in Scenario 5: Incorrect value in Scenario 6: PORT error in the listener definition in Scenario 7: LISTENER error in SID_LIST in Scenario 8: Listener name error in Net Scenario 1 Scenario 1: “Broken” Port in Solution Outline This script "breaks" the port by replacing the original port # with "8DDD" in . Replace "8DDD" with the originally assigned port number. = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 8DDD)) . Net Scenario 2 Scenario 2: Incorrect “CONNECT_DATA” Punctuation in Solution Outline This scenario “breaks” the punctuation in . It removes the left parenthesis preceding “CONNECT_DATA.” Replace the missing left parenthesis. ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = stc-sun02)(PORT = 1701)) ) CONNECT_DATA = {Replace the left parenthesis: (CONNECT_DATA } (SERVICE_NAME = ) . Net Scenario 3 Scenario 3: PROTOCOL Error in Solution Outline This scenario introduces a PROTOCOL error by removing "TCP" in . Replace "TCP" in the PROTOCOL parameter definition. = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = )(HOST = stc-sun02)(PORT = 1701)) Should be: (PROTOCOL = TCP) . Net Scenario 4 Scenario 4: SERVICE_NAME Error in Solution Outline This scenario comments out the SERVICE_NAME line in . Uncomment the line. = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = )(HOST = stc-sun02)(PORT = 1701)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = # (SERVVICE_NAME = ) . Net Scenario 5 Scenario 5: Incorrect Value in