~ c ro prrpuc thctr rmnuw~~pcaur cfully acconllng to the followng inmumions Failure to do so will result In the rmnuunpt., king -d to the author fm rcv~rim All manuscnpn arc cons~dcrcd on thc undcrstandlng that d r q v d 1he3 will not be offcrcd for publ~cation elsewhere I. GESERAL P- for publrcaoon arc acccpted from ROM staff mcmbcn. Rcxarch Associates. or from researchers repomng on work done ulth ROM collcct~ons In cxcepuonnl works on the flora andor fauna of Onuno will bc conr~derdfo r publicauon b) authors not affiliated wlth the ROM. Authors arc expected to wnu clcul? ud conc~ nd to omit.