The author is grateful for the extensive and valuable comments and input provided by Pisupati Balakrishna, Susie Brownlie, Markus Burgener, Stas Burgiel, Douglas Butterworth, Faith Campbell,Nyasha Chishakwe, Kevern Cochrane, Keith Davenport, Barney Dickson, Jonathon Ekstrom, Jonathan Evans, Sarah Fowler, Mark Halle, Virginia Gascon Gonzales, Meira Hanson, Jeff Hayward,Michael Heazle, Ryan Hill, Paul Holthus, Jon Hutton,Mark Infield, the International Council ofMines andMining BiodiversityWorking Group, Bill Jackson, Yoshio Kaneko, Tim Low, Sue Mainka, Teresa Mulliken, Sheelagh O’Reilly, Tim O’Riordan, David Offord, Alison Rosser, Peter Sand, Kathryn Saterson, Kath Short, Joel Tickner, Konrad von Moltke, Trevor Ward, Grahame Webb, Tomme Young, and Maria Elena Zaccagnini