The 2001 White Paper "European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide" sets out the ambitious target of reducing the number of road fatalities with 50 percent by 2010. This requires a rapid increase in the efforts of all safety stakeholders. To support these actions, the European Commission officially launched the eSafety initiative in April 2002. “eSafety brings together the European Commission, industry, public authorities and other stakeholders to accelerate the development, deployment and use of eSafety systems Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems that use information and communication technologies in intelligent solutions, in order to increase road safety and reduce the number of accidents on Europes roads.”8 Within this project, several workgroups are active in different areas. The HumanMachine Interface group9 is most interesting for this research, as its aiming at the design of HMI for Intelligent Vehicle Systems. At the moment, the result of this workgroup is a European statement of principles on Human Machine Interface, containing general design guidelines10 . .