Oxidative stress and imbalance between free radical generation and detoxi-fication may play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Mitochondria, carrying the homoplasmic 11778⁄ND4, 3460⁄ND1 and 14484⁄ND6 mtDNA point mutations associ-ated with LHON, were used to generate osteosarcoma-derived cybrids. Enhanced mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species has recently been demonstrated in these cybrids [Beretta S, Mattavelli L, Sala G, Trem-olizzo L, Schapira AHV, Martinuzzi A, Carelli V & Ferrarese C (2004) Brain127, 2183–2192]. .