Extend the popul r entity grid represent E tion for lo l oheren e modelingF he grid str ts w y inform tion out the entities it modelsY we dd dis ourse prominen eD n med entity type nd oreferen e fe tures to distinE guish etween import nt nd unimport nt enE titiesF e improve the est result for WSJ do E ument dis rimin models @ ori ut nd w r uD PHHTY ilsner nd gh rE ni kD PHHVAD whi h typi lly om ine it with other independentlyEtr ined modelsF here h ve een few ttempts to improve the enE tity grid dire tly y ltering its fe ture represent E tionF pilippov nd tru e @PHHUA in orpor te seE m nti rel tednessD ut ¢nd no signi¢ nt improveE 125 Proceedings of.