Being used with central headings: indicating further subdivisions. Without central headings: indicating major chapter divisions. Being printed flush with the left divisions within subdivisions. Being italicised, left margin. Using sentence case. Paragraph headings + space + text. Full stop after paragraph headings. Using title case. Text three single spaces + side heading + double space + text. No period after side headings. | PAGE AND CHAPTER FORMAT PAGE AND CHAPTER FORMAT 1. Chapter Divisions and Subdivisions 2. Formatting and Style 3. Sample Thesis Page LEVEL OF HEADINGS Using upper case, title case and sentence case plus the use of boldface and italics to indicate the hierarchy of headings. Using a certain method of headings and subheadings from chapter to chapter. 1. Chapter Divisions and Subdivisions CHAPTER HEADINGS Each chapter begins on a new page and is identified by a number and a title. 1. Chapter Divisions and Subdivisions Central Headings Using for major chapter division. Using title case. Text + three single spaces + central heading + three single spaces + text. No period after central heading. 1. Chapter Divisions and Subdivisions Side Headings Being used with central headings: indicating further subdivisions. Without central headings: indicating major chapter divisions. Being printed flush with the left margin. Using title case. Text + three single spaces + side heading + double space + text. No period after side headings. 1. Chapter Divisions and Subdivisions Paragraph Headings Indicating divisions within subdivisions. Being italicised, left margin. Using sentence case. Paragraph headings + space + text. Full stop after paragraph headings. 1. Chapter Divisions and Subdivisions Margin 2. FORMATTING AND STYLE Spacing 2. FORMATTING AND STYLE Pagination The preliminaries: being numbered by small roman numerals eg. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, The title page: being numbered i (not printed) Appearing at the bottom of the page, no punctuation, from the bottom of the page 2. FORMATTING AND STYLE Pagination All other pages: being numbered with arabic numerals, no punctuation. Eg. 1; 2; 3; 4 In the top-right hand corner of the page, from the top, from the right hand edge of the paper. Exception: the first page of each chapter 2. FORMATTING AND STYLE Justification of Text 2. FORMATTING AND STYLE The use of word processors makes it easy to justified text (. have straight edges on both left and right sides as in Figure ). There is some evidence that a ragged right edge or unjustified text (see Figure ) is easier to read. Unless there are institutional specifications, it is optional for text to be fully justified. Justified The use of word processors makes it easy to justified text (. have straight edges on both left and right sides as in Figure ). There is some evidence that a ragged right edge or unjustified text (see Figure ) is easier to read. Unless there are institutional specifications, it is optional for text to be fully justified. Unjustified 3. SAMPLE THESIS PAGE Thank You !