Six ribosomal proteins are specific to higher plant chloro-plast ribosomes [Subramanian,. (1993)TrendsBiochem. , 177–180]. Three of them have been fully character-ized [Yamaguchi, K., von Knoblauch, K. & Subramanian, A. R. (2000) J. Biol. , 28455–28465; Yamaguchi, K. &Subramanian, A. R. (2000) J. Biol. , 28466– 28482]. The remaining three plastid-specific ribosomal pro-teins (PSRPs), all on the small subunit, have now been characterized (2D PAGE, HPLC,N-terminal/internal pep-tide sequencing, electrospray ionization MS, cloning/ sequencing of precursor cDNAs). .